
Showing posts from June, 2017

Day #9 Showers give some relief to South Dakoa farmers

Much of the state of South Dakota remains dry other than the Sioux Falls area. The U.S department of Agriculture says rain and thunderstorms was much-needed. " But precipitation in many areas of the state remains below normal for the year.' "More than half of South Dakota's topsoil moisture supplies are rated short or very short." Half of the state's winter wheat crop, A third of the oats crop, and more then half of the spring wheat crop are in poor or very poor condition. Let's bring on the rain!

"A Fistful of Dollars" Response

The movie "A Fistful of Dollars" is not an old western cliché movie, two days ago it was released seventy-five years ago in a theatre. And the old western cowboy, usually the main character is now used to play a role as a killer. You know the cliché westerns, the cowboy is always the good guy, who defeats the bad guy, and wins the girl. But this move has a little bit of a twist.

Fredrick Douglas Response

Fredrick Douglas gave a clear picture in our imaginations of slavery. But that's all we could do, because people in our generation could never experience anything like slavery in this day, so we need an image to create in our minds of what it was like, and that's exactly what Fredrick Douglas did. One section in the book that stood out to me is when one of the main characters was worked so hard he could not stand. And he became very ill, he thought he had the flew and he collapsed. His partner got help and explained to their master he was sick. And the master beat him and beat him and told him to stand up and continue his work. He could not stand. So when master was not looking he crawled under a porch to get out of the sun and the master could not find him. That night he left, and carried himself to the sellers home because he was positive that he would place him in a new home. But he didn't, the seller would not get his pay for the year, and the contract would then be br...

Day #8 Queens Horse Tests Positive

Queen Elizabeth's horse has been tested positive for the painkiller drug, Morphine. They have decided the drugs have been consumed by contaminated feed. I don't think the knew who contaminated the horse feed but the trainer had faced no penalty for what had happened.

Day #7 USA Gymnast and Her Eating Disorder

An amazing gymnast, training for the World Olympics at only age fifteen is serious about her career, and her chance for Worlds. This seriousness became an obsession with her and her coaches. After an injury she ended up having to have surgery and the recovery time was a bit of a rough go for her. Afterwards she had gained about five pounds and her coach noticed instantly. And had her weigh herself about three times a day and watch everything she ate, and constant working out. She developed the eating disorder of "Bulimia"

In the Future

I am a republican. I believe you earn what you work for. Everyone goes to work and college, or serves our country for at least four years. I have a lot of other opinions but this isn't the time or place for them. But things are not how they were when Ronald Reagan was president. I feel like our country is too soft. We need to "man up" and not be scared to light people up, and keep America's people safe. I feel like there are too many unemployed people who just use the money from the people who do work. Because the workers are the people paying taxes, with the money that they worked for. I think we, as a country we have excelled in amazing things. Our people have walked on the moon, and done things that fifty years ago we wouldn't have imagined. But there are some things I feel we need to bring back. Like mutual respect. Saying yes ma'am, no sir, being honest, and just making the right decision because it's just the responsible thing to do.

New Method in Fixing Fractures in Small Equids

Usually in the case of a horse with fractured bones, (depending on where the fracture is) like, if the fracture is in the leg, the majority of the time the horse would likely have to be put down. But, doctors have found a new and improved way of more aggressively treating fractures in horses. Also they have been found to be working quite well. They haven't entirely gotten the horses back to full athleticism without any limitations, but there is still more to discover and learn about the treatments.

Jordan Peele Theory

“I think the scariest thing to me is humanity, it’s people. It’s what we’re capable of when we have permission from the people around us. We’re capable of the worst monstrosities . . . But I plan to do more movies that explore the human demon, as I call it. It is dark, we are dark. We have the ability to scapegoat. Our fear can drive us to destroy somebody for fear of being on the wrong side of the mob.” -Jordan Peele I as an observer both agree and disagree with Peele. Humanity can be a disturbing, yet beautiful creation. I feel like it's a matter of what you focus your energy on. If you put your energy on the negatives, negative tends to enter your life. But if you focus you energy on the positives, positives tend to enter your life and you become much happier. I also found that your health increases and decreases through these stages. Lots of people are fear based, meaning they base their life off of what they are afraid of and it holds them beck. People know this and sometim...

Farming/Ranching Issues and Response Farming and Ranching is one of the top twelve occupations with a significant incidence od stress related illnesses. According to a National Institute for Occupational safety, and Health Study.  "Agriculture is one of the most hazardous industries in the United States. On average, 22 Coloradoans die each year on farms and ranches as a result of an agricultural-related accident."    In 2008, 623 people died and 60,000 people suffered were permanently disabling injuries on farms and ranches in the United States. -CSU

Miranda Lamberts new Song Miranda Lambert's new hit song "Tin Man" leaves thousands blown away when she performs her new song at the CMA's. Her song and specific lyrics are telling a story and about a heartbreak in her life and saying, "I'll give up my heart to you, if you give me your armor" I recommend this video/song for you to listen to and watch yourself. Regan Iszler Day #3

Alexis Bloomer Reaction

I watched this video on YouTube of Alexis Bloomer and was surprised. I think she's spot on with the majority of what she's saying. I feel like our generation has gone downhill n the simple things like having manners, common sense, and just being kind to people. But we excel in things a couple of generations wouldn't imagine excelling in. I have observed in this generation, and experienced myself that we can't deal with things/problems ourselves. We always need someone to fight our battles for us. We have difficulty owning up to our own mistakes. So I fully agree with Alexis Bloomer, and I say lets bring back the old souls.

The Opiois Epidemic spurs a new search for new, safer painkillers

Opioid addiction is getting worse. Lots of Painkillers including, Tylenol, Ibuprophen, and Alieve are all different types of pain killers that can potentially be dangerous considering your height nd weight, how many you take, the dosage, and if you eat with or without the pain killers. Some doctors will not prescribe any opioid drugs because they are so easily addictive.

"Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" Review

I really enjoyed this movie. I felt it was funny, entertaining, and light hearted. I loved their spirit of light heartedness. There was big things happening in the moment that is not a light hearted thing, And they went on an adventure just running from the bad guys. They did daring things, and tried things they've never done before, And it was interesting to watch. Here is a quote from the review that I definitely agree with: "It retains the sense of adventure that characterizes the Western, but replaces the often somber mood with one that is airy and, at times, almost comedic."

Public Singing

I am an athlete, and I compete in competitions in front a huge crowd of people all the time, but I still get terrified, and bad stage fright. Honestly I don't know how people can sing out loud and let loose in front of billions of people all the time! But I am thankful for the people that do because music is one of my favorite things. I don't know what I would do without it, but I'm not brave enough to do it myself. I think public singing is a crazy thing to do. But crazy is sometimes good! I feel like it's something you have to practice, and get used to putting yourself out there before others and not caring what their opinion is. I respect those who just do it because they love and enjoy it. Because that's really hard to do. Also if it helps you to sing in a group or solo, then why wouldn't you?

Rodeo News

"On the trail with Hailey Kinsel" is the Rodeo news article I chose for my reading and response. This is an article written by Lily Weinacht off of about a girl named Hailey Kinsel who is a twenty-two year old girl with an old qualification to the RFD-TV's and won The American and Subsequent win in the Barrel Racing event.

Is Rapid City any good?

Is Rapid City any good? I think it's a matter of opinion. I have friends who want to leave as soon as possible, but I love it here. I think it's a great and safe place to raise a family. Because wherever you go there is always going to be something not quite right or how you would like it. We have some dangers here of course, but what place doesn't? Sometimes I feel like all you have to do is dig a little bit deeper and really get into the spirit of Rapid City, South Dakota. Because the place where I have the most fun is definitely not in the city. There is about as many things to do in the deep Black Hills as there is in the city, way different thing, but just as many. Personally I feel like the Black Hills helped my family become a better family. It gave us time and fun to grow closer and create bonds that we are lucky to have as a family. We have lived here in South Dakota for about eight or nine years and we still haven't done everything there is to do. We ...