Jordan Peele Theory

“I think the scariest thing to me is humanity, it’s people. It’s what we’re capable of when we have permission from the people around us. We’re capable of the worst monstrosities . . . But I plan to do more movies that explore the human demon, as I call it. It is dark, we are dark. We have the ability to scapegoat. Our fear can drive us to destroy somebody for fear of being on the wrong side of the mob.”
-Jordan Peele
I as an observer both agree and disagree with Peele. Humanity can be a disturbing, yet beautiful creation. I feel like it's a matter of what you focus your energy on. If you put your energy on the negatives, negative tends to enter your life. But if you focus you energy on the positives, positives tend to enter your life and you become much happier. I also found that your health increases and decreases through these stages.
Lots of people are fear based, meaning they base their life off of what they are afraid of and it holds them beck. People know this and sometimes use this to advantage and use it against people to get what they want or as a scapegoat. This is another observation Jordan Peele has issued.


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